In loving Memory Of Jeffery Woodcock

Home Of Wagner, Our Little Helper



PicEngrave Pro 5

At we offer unique,
user friendly and affordable image to G-code
CNC photo engraving solutions for spindle & laser diodes.

John Champlain (PicEngrave Pro 6 author) and
Jeff Woodcock (Master Machinist, CNC Artist and Inventor/Developer of the
8bit Grayscale Laser Image Engraving Process)
and Jeff's son Jeffery,
has teamed together to bring you, one of a kind Image to Gcode Spindle
& Laser Image engraving software solutions.

Our Full Featured Program PicEngrave Pro 6 + Laser was developed for the
Hobbyist and Professional engravers and has Support for Arduino UNO / grbl Controllers as well.
We also offer a Lite version, PicLaser.

PicLaser was specifically developed for use with Arduino UNO / grbl controlled
Laser engraving machines and it includes the option to generate Gcode for
Mach3 and other controller programs.

The use of laser's to engrave true gray scale
images on a variety of materials is a relatively new
development, and is evolving and being improved
by us almost on a daily basis.

Videos of our Machines in Action

John's Videos

Jeff's Videos

Check Out Our Award Winning Shapeoko 2 Laser
Diode Photo Engraver Build Here.

Check Out Our PicFRC Instructables Here.

J-Tech's Video

Web Counter

Thank you for your visit,
Jeff Woodcock and John Champlain
August 2014